Saturday, May 28, 2022

Why Do Left Environmentalists Hate Gaia So?

Behind the endless, mindless blather about “anthropomorphic global warming” is secret contempt for Mother Earth on the part of those leftists and useful idiots retailing this line.

Like most Marxists and neo-Marxists, climate alarmists operate through the lens of an oppressor/victim polarity, in which they champion the victims by targeting the oppressors for elimination, all in the cause of “creating” a “better world.”  

For the alarmists, the victim is Mother Earth herself, allegedly ravished by the greed and shortsightedness of careless human beings contemptuous of the delicate balances that nature would otherwise maintain without their depredations.  The villain is human nature, that monstrous internal psychic structure that they see pulls humans toward the worse angels of our nature.  

The Marxists and their various offspring have been attempting to remake human nature for over a century, with predictably disastrous results, starting with the blasphemy of “Soviet man.”  We see this in the current lunacy of “sexual reassignment” surgery.  In a straight line from Vladimir Lenin to Klaus Schwab, these mad schemers let nothing so pesky as reality interfere with their utopian campaign.  Like the religious leaders of the medieval Roman church, they have convinced themselves that they have a divine sanction to do God’s work, dissenters be, literally, damned.

Among the various truths they pretend don’t exist is this very inconvenient one: humanity and our nature are entirely a product of Mother Earth herself.  Like the oceans and the mountain chains, like the billions of species of flora and fauna on land and sea, we humans were birthed by Gaia and are utterly in accord with her evolutionary trajectory.

Humans are natural, not artificial.  Our nature is in alignment with all of nature, not contrary to or outside of it.  Any attempt to violently alter human nature is violence to all of the Earth.  The Marxist left proclaims tenderness towards animal species in danger of extinction, but not toward the species of which they themselves are an inescapable part.

This myopia, sadly, has a long heritage, admittedly predating its Marxist version.  Many have used the gift of consciousness, of the capacity for self-reflection and self-analysis, to despair of their existence, finding fault with any or every aspect of their experience.  Humans live with deep-seated self-hatred, based on what some conceive as the irredeemable flaw of death.  That we die some see as a sinful failure that somehow we should have been able to prevent.  We can observe this in the first part of the Western founding myth, where Adam and Eve are ejected from deathless Eden for their willful disobedience of their Creator.  “It’s our fault!” is the subconscious mantra of millions over the course of our history.

“It’s our fault!” is the mantra of the Marxist left climate alarmists, unconsciously repeating in updated form this ancient mythology.  “We deserve our misery!”

But rather than leaving the imposition of misery to God, they arrogate that responsibility to themselves, with predictably less-than-divine results.

They also overlook the second part of the Western founding myth, the death and resurrection of Jesus, which eliminated the opprobrium of the Edenic error by offering humanity the chance permanently to identify with its divine origin.  Divine misery was absorbed by divine mercy.

But human myth-making aside, from the perspective of the Earth itself, which serves for secular minds as the creator of humankind, humanity is a triumph of evolutionary depth.  For 3.5 billion years, the planet has been evolving life forms of ever greater complexity, until finally one emerged with the capacity for self-awareness.  This species, Homo sapiens, is incredibly young, and so understandably is still very early in the process of fully maturing this capacity.  

Thus we can appreciate all of the Sturm und Drang of our history—the slaughter as well as the breakthroughs—as a painful but necessary working-out of the value, role, and ultimate structure of this gift of self-awareness.  At this particular point in its unfolding, it is impossible to ascertain what it will take to reach a mature, stable, and universe stage of this capability.  We’re not really even prepared to predict what this might look like.  All we can say for certain is that we aren’t there yet.

So perhaps this insight will offer us integralites some appreciation for the Marxist rebellion against reality.  Perhaps this too is a necessary if painful element of the grand experiment in emerging consciousness that we are participating in.  Confronting our all-too-human tendency toward self-hatred and self-pity is an essential step towards leaping past the impediment these throw in the way of stabilizing the individuation phase of evolution that we have been in for the past five hundred years.

The planet doesn’t need saving; Gaia is doing fine.  Admittedly, some time in the next several billion years the sun will begin to expand as it consumes its ever-scarcer supply of hydrogen, and Mother Earth will burn away.  But that is something over which we have no control.  The opportunity here is to align with the trajectory of evolution that the planet has been following and, instead of rejecting our nature, instead of pretending that somehow it doesn’t belong here, dig deeper into what it has to offer us as true offspring of Mother Earth.  

Self-consciousness gives us the ability to see what’s going on from the perspective of our mother; might this not be the very purpose of this emergent power?  Regardless, the very youth of this power cautions us to be very circumspect in this inquiry, for history shows quite clearly the folly of hubris in this endeavor.  At the same time, we can respect role of impulsiveness that we all seem to have that leads us to ignore reason and history and do very damaging things to ourselves.

The Earth’s climate is always changing; the invitation here is to examine human impact on it as part of nature, and not as something foreign to it.  Perhaps that will help some of our friends on the left see what’s really driving their ideology and address the hidden issues instead.

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